This is 30

Photos: By Fiona Lee

Wow 30 years old. Scared and nervous thinking about this new chapter, new decade of my life. What shall come, what can I achieve, and learning from my past. In my 20's, I've over came so much so fast. Graduating college with 2 degrees under my belt. Becoming a mom at the age of 21. While everyone at that age is partying and having fun, I was maturing. Not saying I did not hang out and have fun but, I knew where to draw the line and set priorities. So determined to become the next best fashion buyer or June Ambrose, and not realizing when you are in your 20's you really don't have your shit together, and things happen. But, hey, it is okay. I would say this, enjoy your 20's. Travel and see the world. Go on great adventures. Dream job, not really sure if that exist, but you never know. Don't be so dam hard on yourself.